10 Steps to Escape
Digital Prison…

currently being built around us!


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Concerned about Online Privacy & Censorship?

There is much more at stake than just our privacy and censorship


NOT just content with the huge profits from internet dominance,

NOT just control everything you can see and do online
They ultimately want control of what you


Big Tech is currently building a digital prison around us

Run by AI (Artificial Intelligence) with Big Brother as Co-Wardens

This digital prison will extend beyond
what most people think of as the internet

Emerging disruptive technologies are coming together
to create the potential for a surveillance state
that makes 1984 seem mild by comparison

Artificial Intelligence running the world
Artificial Intelligence
5G Network surveillance
5G Network
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain Technology
Transhuman agenda
Gene Therapy
Virtual / Augmented Reality
Virtual / Augmented Reality
Robotics / 3D Printing
Robotics / 3D Printing

Remember all those smart devices and appliances?

They are part of what is referred to as

the Internet of Things (IoT)


Everything connected

Technology that can be used to improve our lives,
or Enslave us by tracking our every move
and recording everything you do.

The Digital Prison is near completion but there are still some major pieces waiting to be put in place

Digital ID + CBDC Wallet + Social Credit Score

Ultimately you will need a Government-Issued*
DIGITAL ID to access their internet.

This DIGITAL ID will be connected to your CBDC wallet and a SOCIAL CREDIT and Carbon Footprint Score.

There will only be one correct narrative and if you are guilty of wrong-think you will be punished…

* The DOD has announced a Roadmap for a “ZERO TRUST” Internet by 2027

Right now its still relatively easy
to escape from
the digital prison future
they have planned!
BUT they want us to think
resistance is hopeless.

they don’t want you to know that


Its part of a new wave of technology called Web 3.0

Big Tech and Big Brother are scared because it’s an INTERNET they CANNOT CONTROL or DOMINATE which is why they are desperate to build this digital prison before too many people find out about it.

Those same emerging disruptive technologies that Big Tech and Big Brother want to use to enslave us in a digital prison can also provide us with Digital Freedom

There is already an alternative internet being developed based on this decentralised technology

with alternatives for almost everything Big Tech provides

You can Start Using them Right Now!

Discover a world of
Better Alternatives to Big Tech…


and unlock the knowledge to:

Use Big Tech on your terms

Learn how to put Big Tech, and Big Brother, into a Virtual Digital Prison on your device where you control what they can see and access.

Safely & privately navigate online

Gain the basic knowledge and skills to browse the internet without compromising your safety or personal information.

Safely & privately navigate online

Gain the basic knowledge and skills to browse the internet without compromising your safety or personal information.

Keep communication private

Keep your personal communications private with encrypted messaging and email.

Step around online censorship

Better safeguard your online identity, and personal data from malware, hacking, data breaches and other cybersecurity threats.

Learn how to use a VPN correctly

Most people are not using VPNs correctly potentially exposing themselves to greater risk.

Go online anonymously

Explore the different ways you can access the internet anonymously and understand the associated risks.

Take control of your digital life

Use this little-known yet powerful technique to take your privacy to the next level.

The Virtual Webmaster Digital Freedom Warrior

G’day, I am The Virtual Webmaster and I have been an IT professional for 45 years including 25 years as a Webmaster, Internet Marketer, and SEO Specialist. I watched as Big Tech has crept into almost every aspect of everyone’s lives and I can see a Digital Prison being constructed around us in real time.

A growing number of people are waking up and wanting to reclaim their online freedom and digital privacy, but the problem is most don’t know where to start. This is not because there is a lack of good alternatives or information on how to protect your online privacy. There is way too much information out there already, but most people have no way to filter the good from the bad and determine what is suitable for their needs. Not only is it a challenge to find good privacy information, but an even bigger problem is knowing how to use it correctly and understanding how it all fits together.

I realised what was missing, a simple framework and methodology to follow, or to put it in simple English; A way for people to know how to navigate to the right information, find alternatives best suited to their needs, and then have a process to follow to safely implement them. Every escape plan needs a destination, and while the path people may be different, our ultimate destination is Digital Freedom where we have control over our digital lives.

I looked around and I could not find anything like this so I started to create one and the result is:

10 Steps to Escape the Big Tech Digital Prison

This is not like any other Cybersecurity Training

  • 100% Anonymous Access – we do not need anything from you!
  • Provides a principle-based methodology and framework for people to follow
  • Evergreen information based on cybersecurity principles and best practices
  • Enables people to create their own custom escape plan as one size does not fit all
  • Dynamic links to relevent resources in the Digital Freedom Tubes
  • Access to special Digital Freedom tools, templates & resources
  • Built around the security strategy of Compartmentalisation
  • Supported by AI powered Digital Freedom VIrtual Assistants
  • Detailed downloadable course notes for offline reference
  • Free from commercial promotions
  • PWYW with a 100% Free option


10 video lectures covering all the key areas required to obtain Digital Freedom


Step 1 – The Escape Plan

OBJECTIVE: Start developing your Personal Escape Plan using an evergreen framework and methodologies based on Digital Freedom Principles, and start taking Baby Steps towards it

and much more…


Step 2 – Give Big Tech the Mushroom Treatment

OBJECTIVE: Learn how to Compartmentalize your Digital Life and USE Big Tech on your terms where you control what they have access to keeping them in the dark and feeding them…

and much more…


Step 3 – Take Control of Your Digital Life

OBJECTIVE: Start cleaning up your digital life Online and Offline using my Digital Life Audit process coving 8 key areas of your digital life with Personal Risk Assessments

and much more…


Step 4. Secure Your Digital Life

OJBECTIVE: Implement Cybersecurity best practices, learn secure data backup and storage strategies and how to use encryption to secure your Digital Life.

and much more…


Step 5 – Reduce Your Digital Footprint

OBJECTIVE: A Paradigm Shift to Digital Privacy Awareness where it becomes something you do automatically and effortlessly, but sometimes you need to escape in your mind first…

and much more…


Step 6 – Stay under the Big Tech Digital Radar

OBJECTIVE: Understand Mass Surveillance vs. targeted. Learn how to use Big Tech Proxies, Officiation Tools & Techniques and explore Alternative Networks to Stay Under the Radar.

and much more…


Step 7. How to Identify and Mitigate Threats

OBJECTIVE: Conduct your own Digital Risk & Threat Analysis, Create your Personal Risk Profiles and Threat Assessments and then apply appropriate mitigation measures.

and much more…


Step 8 – Find Alternatives to Big Tech

OBJECTIVE: Find and Evaluate Digital Freedom Alternatives that can’t be controlled or censored by Big Tech. Learn safe strategies to test and migrate any data.

and much more…

Behind the big tech curtain

Step 9 – We never needed Big Tech anyway...

OBJECTIVE: Putting everything you have learned together in Browser Strategies, Private Communication, Using Private Search & Discovery and Safely using Artificial Intelligence.

and much more…

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Step 10 – The Journey to Digital Freedom

We will explore an internet built on the the Principles of Digital Freedom where you control your digital life.

and much more…

Walk Away from Big Tech - The Alternatives are better

Our 10-Step Training Course: Progressively Released for FREE Alongside the Digital Freedom Coaching Program!

We’re excited to announce our 10 Steps to Escape the Big Tech Digital Prison, a free online course designed to help you take back control of your digital life. This course will guide you, step by step, through practical ways to break free from Big Tech’s control and build a safer, more private online experience.


The course will be developed and refined through our Digital Freedom Coaching Program, launching in November 2024. This program is an interactive, supportive space where you can explore the 10 steps with expert guidance and a community of like-minded individuals. Here’s how we’ll create the course:

Weekly Webinars: Each week, our live webinars will work through the 10 steps in detail. We’ll discuss how you can apply the material in your daily life and take questions directly from participants. After each webinar, the training material covered will be released FREE to the public, progressively building up each step.

Coaching Program Feedback: We’ll use the insights and feedback from our coaching program to create the video lessons and course notes, ensuring the material is clear, practical, and effective. Coaching program input will help us improve each step before it’s fully released, making sure the lessons are easy to follow and genuinely helpful.

Get Involved with the Digital Freedom Coaching Program!

Want to get a head start and dive deeper? Our Digital Freedom Coaching Program offers personalized and community-based support as you work through the 10 Steps.

Here’s what’s included:

  • Free Introductory 20-Minute Consultation: Meet with us one-on-one to discuss your digital privacy needs and how the program can help you.
  • Private Coaching: Receive personalized guidance in private sessions, tailored to your specific needs and interests.
  • Unlimited Questions: Ask any question in our topic-based Community Rooms where others are exploring the same challenges.
  • Weekly Webinars: Join our live sessions to learn about each step in detail and get your questions answered in the Q&A.
  • Access to Digital Freedom Virtual Assistants: Get help from our AI-powered assistants designed to support your digital freedom journey.
  • Access to Digital Privacy Tools and Resources: Discover tools and guides that make escaping Big Tech easier.
  • Weekly Progress Review: Stay on track with a weekly review on your progress.
  • By joining the Digital Freedom Coaching Program, you’ll have the chance to help shape the course, get direct support, and learn practical ways to take control of your online world.

Let’s work together to escape the digital prison and create a freer, safer internet for everyone!


Digital Freedom Coaching



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An open network for secure & decentralised communication


Free open network for secure, decentralised communication

Digital Freedom Alliance

Digital Freedom Technology for a Digital Free World

Walk Away From Big Tech
and its Digital Prison Now